ADA Parking Information
ADA Compliant Parking

Parking for People with ADA Compliance Needs:
During permit compliance hours (see Section 2.2.1 of the Parking Ordinance), a valid GVSU permit must always accompany the ADA placard or plate designation. If ADA compliant parking spaces are not available, the ADA permit holder may, with a valid GVSU permit and a valid ADA placard or plate displayed, park in a Faculty/Staff or student space. Parking in any other space is prohibited. Parking in ADA compliant spaces in Pay-to-Park areas requires payment. Lot J Remote Commuter permits are only valid in Lot J and are not permitted in other areas, even when accompanied by an ADA placard or plate. Seward Ramp Remote permits are only valid on the ramp leading to the top floor and the top floor of the Seward Ramp on the Grand Rapids Campus and are not permitted in other areas, even when accompanied by an ADA placard or plate designation.
University-Issued ADA Compliance Permits:
Persons with temporary mobility impairments shall be issued a temporary ADA permit not to exceed three (3) days by Parking Services, at no cost. This permit is not renewable.
To obtain a temporary thirty (30) day parking permit from Student Accessibility Resources (SAR), a written statement from a physician must be presented at SAR and must specifically state the need for ADA compliant parking and the time frame for which it is necessary. This permit is not renewable.
Individuals needing ADA parking privileges beyond thirty (30) days must obtain a permit from the Michigan Secretary of State. If temporary ADA compliant parking accommodations are needed, contact Student Accessibility Resources at (616) 331-2490 or Parking Services at (616) 331-7275.
Illegal Use of an ADA Parking Placard or License Plate:
Under Michigan law, it is illegal to use an ADA placard or license plate when the ADA permit holder is not being transported; to lend an ADA placard to another person; and to make a copy of an ADA placard.
Campus Safety will confiscate any ADA placard found to be in use illegally and return said placard to the Secretary of State with an explanation of misuse.